Thursday, 16 January 2014

sample school notes

Amina isn’t like Girly girls, who love to play with Barbie dolls. She wears trouser and a T-shirt and big boots even when it’s the middle of the summer.

Uncle Hamid was a Tall, bald man with a goatee and glasses, he had a Sharp, patrician nose, which made it hard to tell whether he seemed to look down on people naturally or because he really meant it.

Hassan was a large red-cheeked, good-humoured boy with just their taste for adventure. He was seventeen years old. He spent most of the time in the boarding school and soon going to America for further studies.

Nassir Ali was a tall and muscular, with big hairy arms, and an enormous, grisly black beard. On his head he wore a red turban, and one of his eye was mutilated; the eyelid was half closed, and strangely deformed.

Mrs Hilary was an Englishwomen. She’s a widow. She was a tall, thin, bird –like women.

Saif and Taimur are twin brothers. Saif loved Arts and Crafts while Taimur had interest in Electrical and Mechanical things. Saif loved to go for shikar and to shoot wild animals, while Taimur had a passion for Dogs. But there was one interest that they shared in common. It was Ghost hunting.

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