Friday, 3 January 2014



13-06-2009 TO 13-07-2009



I wish to acknowledge the many individuals with whom I have worked over this report for the just awareness about the HIGH VOLTAGE SUBSTATION (HSS) department of SIEMENS PAKISTAN. First among these ENGR ATIF HUSSAIN and ENGR WAQAS who gave me opportunity in different sub departments of HSS like PRIMARY ENGINEERING, SECONDARY ENGINEERING and PROJECT PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT and ENERGY AUTOMATION.

Thanks are also extended to other engineers in HSS department who gave me enthusiastic knowledge about the power transmission and distribution (PTD) and high voltage substation throughout my internship and special thanks to the ENGR ADEEL QURESHI, ENGR WAQAS, ENGR FARAZ, ENGR NAJEEB, ENGR FAHAD GHANI, ENGR SAAD OMER, MR ALTAF NIZAMANI of HSS department who served as my contact throughout the preparation of this report and give me valuable knowledge throughout the internship.


1      Introduction about SIEMENS…………………………………………4
2      Design department……………………………………………………..5
3      Primary engineering deptt……………………………………………..7
4      Primary engg scope of work……………………………………………8
5      Earthing…………………………………………………………………….11
6      Lightning…………………………………………………………………..12
7      Secondary engineering………………………………………………….16
8      Secondary scope of work………………………………………………17
9      Protection………………………………………………………………….18
10    Controlling………………………………………………………………..20
12     Project Procurement Department………………………………..23



SIEMENS is well reputed multinational engineering company in Pakistan. Its main setup is in GERMANY. It has its manufacturing units all over the world. In Pakistan the main manufacturing unit is in Karachi at SITE AREA and has sales and service offices all over the country. Here they manufacture;





                         5)  HIGH VOLTAGE SUBSTATIONS

            These products made in Pakistan and are licensed by GERMANY.
So SIEMENS is basically divided into groups. These groups are further divided into sub-groups as;

1)      Sales & Marketing.

2)      Design.

3)      Planning.

4)      Production.

5)      Test Field.

6)      Cost and Amount.



This area is responsible for the design of the required SUBSTATION. The design is made according to the requirement of the contractor or organization. They receive their data from the SALES dep. The design department comprises of following engineering.
                        1)  PRIMARY ENGINEERING.

                        2)  SECONDARY ENGINEERING.
                        This department is responsible for the initial design of SUBSTATION. Like technical clarification, tender documentation, Equipment foundations\layouts, earthing and lightning, cable engineering, measurement, protection and controlling of equipments. Distribution and Transmission of voltages that is normally 11kV, 132Kv, or 66kV.These terms are briefly described further in primary and secondary engineering sections. 
The software’s used in design process are:

1)     AUTOCAD.
2)    ELCAD (made by SIEMENS).

The design department mainly persist the work on layouts diagram of project which is being handled to the company. The diagram layout of substation comprises of followings:

1)     Single line diagram.
2)    Double line diagram.
3)     Bus bars.
4)    Bays.

The further design procedures are described below.



                                                                                                            ENGR NAJEEB
                                                                                                                ENGR ADEEL QUREESHI
                                                                                                                ENGR ADEEL AHMED
                                                                                                                ENGR SAAD OMER


1.    General

a)  Technical Clarifications:
                                                      Technical clarifications are given by the primary engineering department whether the project given to the company is technical possible and it meets all the possible requirements. The technical clarification is also given whether the AIS or GIS Station is suitable by seeing the ground realities of the area where is the station is to be planted. 

b)  Tender Documentation:
                                        After necessary calculation and possibilities and technical clarification the tender is approved by primary dept and tender is given to the firm\organization or contractor.

                             2. Equipment Layout

a)  Outdoor/Indoor Switchyard:
i)            Plan
ii)           Section

There is planning of equipments which are placed outdoor and which are placed indoor and how many sections created in throughout grid.

b)  Control Building:
i)            Plan
ii)           Section

There is also planning carried out by primary engineering section for control building from where and how the control building is created throughout the yard and it has how many sections within the control building like the sections for breakers, panels etc

C) GIS Building:
                         I) Plan
                         ii) Sections
                         iii) Constructional Details

GIS stands for gas insulated switchgear this is planted where the land is compact and cost of the project doesn’t matters. The gas uses is SF6 which is used for the insulation between the lines so that’s why it is stated as GIS.
For GIS, planning of GIS Building where and how it is created, its sections and how it is constructed, its constructional details these all are handle by the primary engineering section of high voltage substation HSS.

2)    Equipment Foundations:

The equipment foundations are carried out in primary section where the calculations are made for the overall indoor/outdoor switchyard length and also the calculations for the cable trenches which are placed throughout the switchyard.
                               Trenches details like how many and what size and type of cables will pass through the trench and how many sections of trenches throughout the substation are created.
                                                                               Cable road crossings calculations are also conducted by the primary engineering section.
                                                                                                                Individual outdoor equipment foundations like the foundations of current transformer CT, potential transformer PT, circuit breakers CB, isolators, surge arrestor, post insulator etc. These are carried out by this dept from where these equipments are to be placed and of which distance from each other these all calculations with layouts are cater by this dep. Transformer foundation like how many and of which type of transformer and where it is used in the yard and rooms selection of trafo are also the work of this department.

Transformers like AUTO TRANSFORMER, POWER TRANSFORMER, and AUXILIARY TRANSFORMERS are used. Auto trafo are used in yard for switching at desired voltages. HSS as it named high voltage switchyard obviously uses power transformer to cater high voltages and to transfer voltages to the line. Auxiliary transformer used in the switchyard for itself yard lighting purpose and also for the battery charging. Auxiliary transformer gives 400volts that is normally supplied to the substation.

Oil or water separator and oil collection pits are also established in the yard for oiling for trafos and other equipments.

3)    Equipment Structures:

a)   Static and dynamic Loading Calculations
b)  Lattice Support Structures
c)   Concrete Support Structures

In equipment structures there are static and dynamic loading calculations they deal that equipment is in static and what are in dynamic position and what structure can hold that equipment.  The loading calculations means which equipment is to be loaded. Lattice support means rail type structures. Concrete support structures are structures which support gantries and trafos. This department is responsible for calculation of gantries means gantries of which length, size is to be loaded.


5) Earthing & Lightning Protection:

Earthing is very important throughout the grid because the safety of the person is necessary in high voltage station and high voltage tension line.
Without earthing and lightning there were the severe dangerous and may cause death. Earthing is also the protection of switchyard and the person.So it is very important. For earthing they select the copper mesh.
In earthing first the primary engineering department made the design report of earthing throughout the grid then they made the manual layout of earthing overall and after that they made the layouts by software. If software indicates colors in layouts that mean earthing is not done properly then the problem is solved by making loop of copper. Earthing almost done by copper because it is cheap good conductor.
After making overall layout they made individual earthing of equipment as well. They made the proper earthing Material list.


Design Criteria:
                        There are two main design goals to be achieved by any substation ground system under normal as well as fault conditions. These goals are

a)     To provide means to dissipate electric currents into the earth without exceeding any operating and equipment limits.
b)    To assures that a person in the vicinity of grounded facilities is not exposed to the danger of critical electric shock.

The design procedures aimed at achieving safety from dangerous step and touch voltages within a substation. That is possible for transferred potentials to exceed the GPR of the substation during fault conditions. The design procedure described here is based on assuring safety from dangerous step and touch voltage within and immediately outside the substation fenced area. Because the mesh voltage is usually the worst possible touch voltage inside the substation the mesh voltage will be used as the basis of this design procedure.

Step voltages are inherently less dangerous than mesh voltages. If ,  however, safety within the grounded area is achieved with the assistance of a high resistivity surface layer which doesn’t extend outside the fence, then step voltages may be dangerous. In any event, the computed step voltages should be compared with the permissible step voltage after a grid has been designed that satisfies the touch voltage criterion.

                                Lightning is also necessary to protect the yard from thunderstorm. Lightning are done by placing mesh on the building or by placing the rod on the building that will connected to the mesh for grounding. Lightning is normally done on British standard that is IEEE 988-1996 or 2006 versions. IEEE 988-1996 is an old version and has many complications. While the 2006 BS-EN version defines best lightning protection.

Software defines the lightning protection is recommended or not by giving the parameters like length, width of the building angles or the type of building like concrete reinforced, steel etc. These all calculations are done by primary engineering department of HSS.

Lightning is done on overall yard and also for individual equipment  

Switchyard Lightning and control building layouts are the key work of lightning these are done by lightning section of design department.

Lightning Protection Material List are made by this section like in lightning they use copper.

The Earth shield wires are wired on the top of the GANTRIES these wires are used to protect the steel structures from thunderstorm.


6) Hardware Selection:

a)   Hardware List.
b)  Hardware Connection Details.

Hardware list are prepared by primary dep means of which type of hardware equipment is used in switchyard and of which rating. The equipment list comprises of POWER TRANSFORMERS, CURRENT TRANSFORMERS,POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS, SURGE ARRESTORS etc

Hardware connection details of line conductor that is high tension cable wire from which pole these conductors has to be connected and of which length and how many conductors are used.

1)    Cable Engineering:
MV (Medium voltage) & LV (low voltage) power cable ampacity calculation (ampacity is the current carrying capability). Cable laying details are set by the primary dep means from where the cable has to be layed. Cable length calculations are also carried out by PED.

Cable tray layouts & fixing details means they set the layouts of cable trays from where the cable has lay down and where it has to be fixed out. they select which cable is suitable in cable trench means 3 wire or 2 wire .

Cable support structures like gantries or concrete blocks or connectors
Like make design of which type of gantry is used to handle the cable.

2)  Conductor Sag – Tension Engineering:

Conductor & Earth Shield Wire sag calculations are done in primary engg section of HSS. Where they calculate the sag of tension wire and there stringing charts. To hold the conductor sag post insulators are used. 

3)  Lighting Design:

a)   Switch Lighting Layout:
                                         Switchyard lighting layouts like in control building lighting and other sections of yard lighting for lighting purpose auxiliary transformer is used. So the switchyard lighting layouts are prepared in primary engineering section.

4)  Short Circuit Calculations:

a)  Mechanical Stresses on Equipment due to Short Circuit:

These calculations are carried out in primary that when in any case the short circuit will happens that how much mechanical stresses can equipment will bear.



5)  End Documentation:

a)   As Built Document Preparations:

As built documents means vendor prepared the whole documentations of design of substation and when client needs to change any commodity in the design which is made by the tender holder company they can change the commodity through the as built document.

1 comment:

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